Plum Regal F1: Later-maturing hybrid freshmarket plum tomato offers a broad range of disease
resistance, high yields of large fruit, and bright red exterior and interior. Resistant
to Verticillium Wilt, Fusarium wilt 1 and 2, TSWV and late blight, with a moderate
early blight resistance as well. Highly resistant to graywall and fruit cracking.
Fruits, similar in size and shape to Plum Crimson, are borne on determinate plants
with heavy cover. Very small blossom end scars. Appealing deep red interior. Also
suitable for vine-ripe or mature green harvest.
My plants are determinate also , today i cut some stem out , because the small plants have to many stem's with small leafs, i will not do this again now? here is what i got from you, no problem about this!!!!!!! Thanks for telling me want i was growing?