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Old October 19, 2010   #4
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There is a pepper head on another forum that overwinters plants by heavy root and branch pruning, putting the plants in relatively small pots and then keeping them in fairly dim cool condiditons to prolong dormancy. I would say that the light he uses would equal something that would keep a shade loving houseplant alive, and the temps he used were fairly low 50s-60s, maybe a little less.

I think that any of your three options has promise (depending on the basement light), but I might go for your spare room and turn the heat up just a little bit.

I tried it last year and mostly failed because I let the pots dry out, and after about the third time I did that the plants stopped putting out new leaf sprouts. I did get three plants through the winter though because they were in smaller pots and it was easier to water them.
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