I do live a bit south than Canada in New England (Massachusetts Zone 6) and last year I started some sweet peppers in January 1st, some in February 1st, 15th and some March 1st. The only plants that gave me ripe fruit was the January planting, the February gave me plenty green fruits and March only was starting to produce when my fall weather hit. None of the hot peppers ripen and only gave me few fruits that ripen indoors. This year some folks advised me to start in December. I started Christmas Day and every weekend in January to try to get more fruit ripen in the plants and hopefully get the hot peppers to ripen also.
Also to have the soil warm earlier I used palruf clear PVC sheets as "tunels" to get a head start on some tomatoes and peppers plus clotches using a 2L soda pop bottle to protect my watermelons. By the time I planted in mid May the soil was warmer. It did work very well for the watermelon plants. Good luck!