2011 - We love the pictures
We expanded from 6 tomato plants to 27 this year. In one bed we have Paul Robeson, Cherokee Purple, Black Krim, Black Pineapple and Matt's Wild. Some are chest height already.
Another bed of our has what we thought were a couple Mortgage Lifters but noticed while planting that the stake said Lily's Yellow. These are beasts of plants with huge flowers on them. We're excited to see how they turn out.
We have roma, black cherry, sungold cherry all in pots in our fenced in area, it's getting jungle like.
Our Squash, cucumber, beans, onions are all progressing nicely.
Zone 5a
Last edited by g8shot1; June 24, 2011 at 12:23 PM.
Reason: 'cause I'm not smarter than a 5th grader.