Originally Posted by kath
Beautiful garden and creative setup and gorgeous fruits! That's quite an accomplishment in your area so soon in the summer.
My posts don't always get a response either- folks are usually extra busy in spring and summer and don't spend nearly as much time here. Don't take it personally.
No offense taken at all, Kath, gardeners want to see results - & there were no results in May! It's taken a few years to perfect my computer-controlled "system", & even so, a lack of reading a manual on my part threw a wrench in the works in the past couple of HOT weeks. Computers are great, but we still need to tell 'em what to do

! I'll probably post the FB link later in the season, too, or in the off-season. I hope all can view the album, I used the "public" link at the bottom of the album page, I'm not sure that it always works(?).