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Old September 1, 2011   #5
Boutique Tomatoes
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Northeast Wisconsin, Zone 5a
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Originally Posted by Pyrrho View Post
Those look great!

I've got three Congo Trinidad's (red) and one Jamaican Hot Chocolate, all in an Earthtainer (seeds from Tomato Growers' Supply), so I'm interested to hear what your impressions are of the varieties you're growing -- are their any you'd especially recommend?

The red and yellow 7-pots have been incredibly productive, as have all the Congo's. The Douglah has been slower to get going, they look great but are only half of the size of the other varieties, in the same potting mix, same fertilizer schedule, getting the same amount of sun 10 feet away from the other ones. Note that I do go out every morning I'm home and try to hit every branch with open flowers with a pollinating wand, which makes a huge difference in fruit set for me.

As far as flavors, I haven't gotten any sauces made yet this year, I'm freezing them after saving the seeds hoping to get enough to use each pepper variety individually and have a tasting for my heat loving buddies.

Last year I made jerk seasoning with Jamacian Hot Chocolate, Jamacian Hot Red and Jamacian Hot Yellow, which was very nice. I also made one big batch of sauce with a base of various Caribbean peppers and tossed in all the various bhuts I got which was loved/feared by the adventurous souls who tried it. This year I'm trying to start catching the nuances in the different peppers since I'm growing a lot more plants and getting better fruit set.
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