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Old September 2, 2011   #12
Boutique Tomatoes
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Location: Northeast Wisconsin, Zone 5a
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Originally Posted by gtnate View Post

That bhut jokakia chocolate looks amazing. Also, I want to know the answer to this question, as I am a bit of trivia buff: what is the hottest pepper? I use to know the answer, but I have recent information that makes me think that the answer has changed. You seem to be a connoisseur of really hot peppers, so I figure that you are as good an authority as any.

The Butch T Trinidad Scorpion tested at 1,463,700 scoville units. Neil at The Hippy Seed Company provided the seeds that grew the tested peppers. Butch Taylor owns the sauce company that they were grown for, so he attached his name to the tested variety. I asked Neil if they were a special selection and he said no, just the straight seed stock for the same TS strain he's been selling for years, although he has updated the web description to include 'ButchT" now (probably so that people like me would quit asking).

To check his strain against mine I went ahead and ordered some from him for my 2012 grow.

Some people believe some of the other Trini varieties may be even hotter, but they haven't been tested to my knowledge.
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