I've been tracking germination data on tomatoes, hot and sweet peppers, and eggplant for many years. (just use tap water - I am a firm believer in KISS). Shallow plant, loose plastic cover, heat mat, in front of south facing window.
the following is for the vast majority of seed planted - typically 50-100 different types, all sorts of seed ages, 20-30 seeds per cell.
hot peppers: 6-8 days
sweet peppers: 5-6 days
eggplant: 5-8 days
tomatoes: 3-4 days
hot peppers: 4-6 days
sweet peppers: 5-7 days
eggplant: 5-6 days
tomatoes: 4 days
hot peppers : 5-7 days
sweet peppers: 4-7 days
eggplant: 5-6 days
tomatoes: 3-4 days
So this provides a general guide. Variability is likely small differences in planting depth, and number of sunny vs cloudy days during time in front of the window.
I tend to use months per major activity - so a mid Feb seeding allows a mid March transplant to 4 inch pots, leading to a mid April garden ready seedling.