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Old March 22, 2012   #1
lapk78's Avatar
Join Date: May 2011
Location: San Antonio, TX Zone 8B
Posts: 118
Default EarthTainer Grow Media question

I Just completed the construction and filling of three EarthTainers. I purchased three 64-qt bags of Jungle Growth Professional Growers Mix as well as a 4 cu ft bag of perlite from my local nursery. I followed the grow medium instructions of 5:1 mix:perlite. Well, I quickly realized that I hadn't purchased enough mix. My local nursery was now closed for the day, so I drove to Lowes and bought two bags of Sta-Green All-Purpose Potting Mix. The Jungle Growth mix seems to be pre-loaded with lots of perlite right out of the bag, whereas the Sta-Green appeared to contain almost no perlite. I had already filled two and a half EarthTainers with the 5:1 mix of Jungle Growth, having not yet opened the Sta-Green mix. When I opened the Sta-Green, I realized the lower concentration of perlite, but decided to continue making my meduim at 5:1.

My question: Do my first two EarthTainers now contain WAY too much perlite? If so, will they run too moist? Further, the third of my EarthTainers is approximately filled 1/2 with the Jungle Growth high-perlite-concentration mix, and topped with the Sta-Green appropriately-proportioned mix. Am I doomed to failure with my first attempt at Earthtainers? Or, am I over-thinking things? Thanks for any thoughts on the matter!

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