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Old June 5, 2012   #2
saltmarsh's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: 2 miles south of Yoknapatawpha Zone 7b
Posts: 662

If you're going to spray, do it when you can look them in the eyes.

Seriously, look at your tomato leaves (and pepper leaves if you have them).

What you are looking for is little black specks on the top of the leaves. That will be worm poop and it does flow downhill.

When you find the poop, look on the leaves directly above for old gaga eyes. At the speck stage the worm will normally be eating along the outside edge of a leaf and will be about a half inch long.

If you can't find it, don't worry, just come back the next day it will have left bigger clues to its whereabouts.

After the third day, bring a pitchfork and be prepared to fight, but if you still can't find it, go to the eye doctor.

When I find them I like to pull them in two and leave them for the birds and ants. If you're squeamish, buy neoprene gloves and use them.

And whether you find the worm or not, flick the poop off the leaves, so you can tell yesterdays poop from todays poop, otherwise you'll waste time looking for worms you've already found.

Don't waste time looking for worms on leaves with holes. If the worm is eating the leaf he's leaving poop below. Claud
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