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Old June 5, 2012   #6
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Originally Posted by materlvr View Post
You guys are brave, I can't stand to touch them and actually cut the branch they are on! Last year I sprayed with Sevan (SP?) spray and it really worked but they can do major damage in a short period of time so I want to be procative. The plants are at my daughter's house and I can only get there once a week to water so I need to be proactive!
Please consider using one of the BT ( Bacillus thuriengensis) preps for the hormworms since Sevin is not kind to the environment, let me count the ways, while the BT preps are organic and safe for everyone except hornworms.

Cost is low and Bt is effective, especially at the caterpillar stage. It comes as a dust as well, so if you can't be there your daughter might be able to use the dust.

What it does, and I'll say this kindly, is to form holes in the worm stomach which causes the worms to blow up and die.
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