Thread: Stink bug
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Old June 11, 2012   #8
Dewayne mater
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I have 3 Texas native ash trees that for some reason they LOVE. I go out at night and will see at least hundreds if not thousands of them on each tree trunk and the wood fence next to it. I have squished more stink bugs than you can imagine these last 2 years (didn't have them before that) and no matter how many I kill, there seem to be more than there were the next day. The numbers are incredible. And they live up to their name when you squish them.

The only thing I haven't seen mentioned in this post so far and I think I remember Suze saying was that kaolin clay was a pretty good deterrent. Makes your plants and fruit look awful like they just lived through a West Texas mud storm, but, it is a completely enviro friendly method that might be worth trying against this enemy-less invading hord.

Dewayne mater
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