Originally Posted by WVTomatoMan
@craig: nice list.
@marktutt: I use single vinyl and never had a problem...I could feel it a little with some, but it wasn't an issue.
@zana: I don't make chili powder, but when I process my hot peppers for freezing I do it outside on the deck preferably on a day with a little breeze. At first I did it inside and thought all that coughing when it takes your break away can't be good for you.
@Atominc: Ever try Jaloro peppers? Do you make ABTs? I do - I get tired of making them but they are so good.
I can do a few dozen without issue but I was doing gallons of superhots at a whack, that was what got me. Changing gloves constantly just upped the probability of an accident and eventually the capsaicin worked it's way through the latex.
This year I'm looking at all those peppers growing and wondering what on earth I was thinking when I started all of them.