Originally Posted by b54red
I deal with it every year to one degree or another. It seems to be worse when it is hot and wet with young plants being more susceptible. Another thing that can wilt a plant like that with the leaves still green is nematodes so you might want to check the roots. I have more of a problem with fusarium wilt which causes a distinct yellowing to many of the leaves before the whole plant wilts.
I have had a little experience with fusarium but not much. I didn't see any knots on the roots or any other sign of nematodes. thank you for your timely reply and input.
Originally Posted by Mlm1
I had one do that this year. I did the test in the linked publication but I didn't have any streaming bacteria. I do have a walnut tree not too far away which can cause wilt but it was only one plant in the middle of others so that doesn't seem likely. I also made sure the drip on that plant wasn't plugged since the plant looked just like it would if I had shut off the water. I'll watch this thread to see if there are any other thoughts
Marla, I couldn't get your link to work. Can you explain the teast and the term "streaming bacteria"? Your comment about the water shut off, my first thought was that these plants were not getting sufficient water. that is exactly what they looked like.
As to your walnut tree, is it possible that perhaps a root from the tree runs a little closer to that plant than the others?