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Old June 21, 2012   #3
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Join Date: Jun 2012
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Posts: 10

Originally Posted by RayR View Post
That's Botrytis Gray Mold and a very advanced infection too. I don't think there is any way you can save a plant that is infected that bad already. I hope you removed those stems with the fruit on them and trashed them in a garbage bag. The first photo shows the gray growth where new spores are being produced and they will spread through the air infecting other plants.
You really have to apply preventative fungicide treatments with Tomatoes, you may be lucky for years not doing it, but sooner or later something really nasty like Gray Mold or even worse, Late Blight is going to get your plants if they are vulnerable.
Hi Ray!

Thank you so much for taking the time to provide this link and feedback. I really appreciate it. I will do some research to see if I have to remove all 7 plants (they are all planted within 3 feet of each other). The 2 cherry tomato plants seem fine -- one is bearing ripe fruit already like crazy and is healthy. The second cherry plant just started ripening and seems fine. It's this CherP, Black Krim that seem doomed for sure. I remember reading last night that the black heirlooms seem more prone to disease? So much to learn! Thanks again!

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