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Old July 22, 2012   #22
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Location: Ontario
Posts: 211

Julia, what fun!

Good luck!

There's something about pumpkins that just make me smile, and the bigger the pumpkin, the bigger the grin. There's a giant pumpkin parade & weigh-off in a town about 15 minutes from me and I love to go out and watch. (My favourite part is that there's a prize for "prettiest pumpkin over 600 pounds"---it's true that a lot of the giants have a rather droopy look, though that is part of their charm, IMHO!)

Never been tempted to get into growing giants myself---I don't think I have the stomach for it! Too much chance of heartbreak at losing a big 'un late in the process. Growing 90 tomato plants suits my temperament better. I admire your fortitude!

My sister lives in Nova Scotia and we once visited Howard Dill's farm where the Atlantic Giant pumpkin was bred. It was early October---what a hoot to see a field full of HUMONGOUS pumpkins.

There's a festival out there where people scrape them out and turn the shells into boats and have a boat race.

I'll be cheering for you.

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