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Old November 1, 2012   #44
Boutique Tomatoes
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Originally Posted by marktutt View Post
Not likely to hurt me at this heat level. The supers I can't really taste by biting them any more but I use hot sauce like some folks use catsup and mustard so these milder ones aren't a threat at all. And different folks have different tolerances... do take note of that if you use my heat levels as a gauge!

#7 PI 441654 - not much heat in this one, and thicker flesh than most of these types. Almost a minty characteristic to the flavor with some sweetness as well. Strangely enough I thought of a mojito to chase them down after trying them.

#7A PI 441654 type 2 - a little more heat than the other one, flesh not as juicy. Still only about a 1 on the heat level, sweet peppery flavor but none of the mint notes.

The two PI 441654 variants are both kind of small and seedy to dice up in anything, and not really hot enough to use to spice up dishes or flavor vinegar or oil. They might be nice pickled as a drink garnish though.

#8 Chiltepin - another of the little tiny balls of seeds, I'll be honest I grimaced as I tried this one as the flavor of #5 was still fresh in my mind. Nice peppery flavor in this one, only about a 1 on the heat level. These I could see marinated in oil for some mild pepper oil for cooking with.

#9 Black Birds Eye - this was another of the tiny round jobs, but it had thicker flesh than the othes. Still only somewhat hot, about a 1.5. The tip of my tongue tingles and a bit on the lips, but not much else. Not much to the flavor though.

I'll try to write up the last 4 tonight.
Oops, hit the wrong button. Just wanted to clarify that the PI 441654 were the ones I thought would be good for pickling.

Last edited by Boutique Tomatoes; November 1, 2012 at 04:34 PM.
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