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Old November 1, 2012   #45
Boutique Tomatoes
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Northeast Wisconsin, Zone 5a
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#10 Long Bird - Thin fleshed with a 2 for a heat level they would be great dried for soups or stir fry dishes. They'd probably be nice turned into flakes for pizza. Not a lot of depth of flavor for powder though. Heat hit me mostly in the throat which was odd.

#11 Bird - another one of the little round types. All skin and seeds. These didn't have a lot of flavor at all and not much heat either. Mostly on the lips from biting it and trying to come away with just some flesh so I wasn't tasting seeds.

#12 Birdseye look a lot like many of the common asian peppers used in soups and stir fries. Thin fleshed, these were already starting to dry and were leathery. A slighly smoky taste at first, giving way to a slightly acidic flavor. Heat is about a 1.5, average for these types.

#13 Chris Dukes Hot - these had a little flesh to them, more than just skin at least. Nice pepper character up front, but no real sweetness to them. Heat is between a 2 or 3. I could see pickling these or trying them dried as a powder. They're small though so you'd have a job seeding them if you wanted to use them for powder.

#5 and #6 were the only ones I couldn't see myself finding a use for. It was fun sitting down and trying them all trying to pick the different characteristics of each one out.

Thanks for letting me give them a try Craig!
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