Slow growing peppers
This morning I was lamenting how slowly my peppers (two Anaheim, and two red bell) have been growing. I did have to refresh my memory and realize that I didn't start the peppers until a few weeks after the tomato seedlings. I think they were planted the last week of October.
I put each in an 8" pot to grow until transplanted into beds. They seem just about the same size as 2 weeks ago, just 2" or so on top of the soil mix. We had a couple of cooler nights, high forties, and I am wondering whether they have gotten too cold.
They're in a pretty rich mix of Just Natural garden soil, Just Natural's mushroom compost, a little Black Kow, and some vermiculite and coir. I've been checking the soil moisture. I mulched the top of the soil with shredded newspaper and topped that with some shredded leaves.
I see on the seed company (High Mowing) site that they advised:
"For growing transplants, maintain temperature at around 75°F during the day and 65°F at night. Harden off plants by slightly reducing temperature to 60-65°F and reducing water for 2-3 days before transplanting."
I assumed that transplant advice was for indoor temps and that my nighttime lows in the 50s wouldn't be a problem. Now I'm not sure.