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Old December 18, 2012   #60
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: American Fork, Utah
Posts: 161

Originally Posted by roper2008 View Post
How is the travelers jalapeno? I bought seeds, and I'm
hoping it's productive.. I'll be starting my reaper seeds in
January along with some primo's (wicked looking pods).
Won't be eating any of these fresh, maybe powder or
I'll send them to people that want to try the reaper.
I really like the Traveler strain - nice robust, thick-walled pods, lot of substance to them. What's odd is some of them are pretty hot, while others are fairly tame - from the same plant! Plants were very healthy and reasonably productive.

Yeah, it got up to 103° in the high tunnel today. We've got 15° in the forecast tomorrow night. Not many plants can tolerate temperature swings like that!

I can't tolerate the superhots alone. Nibbled on a Trinidad Scorpion a few weeks ago. Fire in the throat took a L O N G time to fade. They are still bearable on a good burrito!
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