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Old January 7, 2013   #13
FreyaFL's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: SW FL
Posts: 152

Kilroys, I have peppers growing just as you said yours were...NOT. I transplanted out jalapenos, corbaci, and red marconi peppers in various ways on 12/2/12 and they all did nothing. Didn't grow. Didn't die. Just sat there (with one exception.) Also, some took a VERY long time to germinate (most took 2 weeks but my Serranos took almost a month, I'd pretty much forgotten/given up on them. I started the seeds in the beginning of November.) Now, after doing nothing for over a month, two red marconis (out of 7) are starting to show signs of growth.

The one exception to this "no grow" thing were the ones I repotted into 20 oz soda bottles (turned into mini-wicking bottles. I do this to give to friends. Recycle! LOL) For some reason, these grew where none of the ones in real planters did. They have both very strong root structures AND are, at least, twice to three times the size of the others. With this in mind, instead of planting my serranos directly into their permanent homes, I've repotted them into 20 oz soda bottles. I'll leave them in there until they grow like the others have.

On the topic of cherry peppers...I'd like to try growing some as well!
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