just to give my bit of the story about nano cortona, defnitively is not aji dulce, it come from a my hobbist work of breeding, it start from a hot(scorcing...not just hot) hab pod tht i've buyed several years ago(more tan ten but not sure) intrigued by the flawor and by the byte of this pepper i've saved seeds and sowed it the year after, the ofsprings come in a vary mixture of shape and flawor but one plants are really nteressant because it show traits of c.annum so is clearly crossed up, i've saved this plants for 3 years in a rowhaving a greehouse and it produce greath, the second year having large number of seeds i've planted lots of it but i've not transplanted al of it and so i've discovered that this "variety" have the ability to grow in really smal pot(1 plants produce 3 peppers in a 1 and 1/2 inch x 2 inch pot) so i like it so much that i continue to plant it, i try to save seeds from the less hot ones because my family are not hot addicted like me so hab and super hot is just a my busines.
hope that it helps a bit,
ps probably aji dulce are born in asimilar way....
Last edited by cortona; January 9, 2013 at 12:30 PM.