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Old February 22, 2013   #4
Alfredo's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Clifton, NJ
Posts: 554

Thanks barefootgardener and Doug9345.

My 2013 Grow list :

barefootgardener, these are my returnees as they have grown quite well for me here in Zone 6 NJ in previous years:

1. Pruden's Purple
2. Aunt Gertie's Gold
3. Costoluto Fiorentino
4. Virginia Sweets
5. San Marzano Redorta
6. New Big Dwarf
7. Rosella Purple
8. McClintock's Big Pink
9. Black Krim

10. African Queen, The plant itself grew quite tall, 6-7ft, and I did grow tomatoes over 2 lbs (and maybe I had one that was near 3 lbs) however it didn't grow as productive (in terms of quantity of tomatoes) in my garden as it did in my mother's garden on the other side of town, but I'm the one who takes care of her tomato plants (i.e. I grow all the tomato plants from seed, plant them, I add the compost, prune them, prop up the supports, etc.). Go figure. I must've done something wrong with that specific plant in my garden (as i had to remove the entire plant in the middle of the season because the plant itself started turning yellow), so I'm trying my hand at it again, as I enjoyed the taste of the African Queen tomato. She does water her raised garden bed less than I do mine, so I'm probably guilty of babysitting my tomatoes too much (if there's such a thing) and I could have possibly overwatered my African Queen tomato plant.

These tomatoes I'll be growing for the first time:

11. Brandywine Red (Landis Valley Strain). From what I've read on here, there is no "strain" of Brandywine. Landis Valley refers to the place Tomato Growers Supply Company got the seed from. (Thanks for posting that info btw Carolyn)
12. Kosovo
13. German Giant
14. Matt's Wild Cherry
15. Sophie's Choice

Which tomatoes have you grown successfully over by you barefootgardener? Any favorites? ~Alfredo
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