Thread: Paprika Peppers
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Old March 14, 2013   #1
Boutique Tomatoes
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Default Paprika Peppers

In the 'it never hurts to ask' category, this year I'll be growing many varieties of Hungarian paprika peppers. They're all commercial grower types and I hadn't had any luck finding trades for most of them, so I took a shot and contacted the seed company directly. After a little back and forth via email and one phone call someone there just sent me evaluation packs of the varieties I'd asked about rather than going through the whole official import process for such a small quantity. Gotta love gardeners around the world!

One of the things I'm most curious about is that some of these varieites are early and can supposedly be direct seeded. Szeged Hungary is famous for it's paprika (several of these varieties are types grown there) and it's temperatures seem to be prety much in line with my area. It would be interesting to be able to direct seed peppers here, so I'm starting some for transplants and I'll try direct seeding as well to see if I get anything that way.

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