Additional pictures. Now what is going on?
Upon deciding that I was dealing with a fungal issue of some kind, yesterday morning I sprayed a combo of Exel LG and Actinovate. Exel says it is a systemic fungicide, so it seemed worth a shot. By evening, some of my plants looked like those in the two attached pictures. As you can see, a lot of leaf browning took place. The plants with the most leaf browning were those that were most affected by what I believe is a fungal issue. The plants that I thought showed no signs of the fungal issue only have 2 or 3 leaves with this type of leaf browning.
Questions: Is this browning the action of Exel? I've used this product for 3 years and not had a reaction like this. Still, the leaf browning looks similar to when I sprayed Bill's bleach solution in reaction to a mold problem a year or two ago.
Did I burn the leaves by over application? I did use a new Solo sprayer (LOVE IT!) but I did follow the dilution suggestions on the Exel bottle.
What to do next? Thinking about a foliar feed followed by daconil 12 hours later. Any input appreciated!
Dewayne Mater
Last edited by Dewayne mater; May 8, 2013 at 11:15 AM.
Reason: Pics are now attached.