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Old June 1, 2013   #20
linzelu100's Avatar
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Posts: 447

Originally Posted by TomNJ View Post
Hi Lindsey,

Seven Springs farm is just a few miles from us - I bought 300 lbs of limestone from them a few months ago. I am just off Cannady School Rd., drop me a PM if you would like to stop by and see the garden.

My home made spray seems to have reduced the flea beetles, but unfortunately it also killed the eggplant! Oh well, they were probably goners anyway. Too late to start more so I'll pick up some plants up at a local store and try again. Love eggplant parm!

Just bought 30 bales of hay today to finish my mulching, after which I declare the garden "in".

I definetly will~! We love the floyd area and all the goodies they can grow there I need hay for mulch but I have decided my garden is so terrible this year (new house new land) and I have wasted so much money- that I am not going to put much more into it this season. All the saved money has to go to Farmers market food/raised beds. But I usually do buy from Seven Springs. We live at Smith Mountain Lake, so its quite a drive for us, but they always meet us half way in Roanoke.

I have given up on the eggplant. Truth is I only grow them because they are so pretty to look at. We like them fried which is too fattening to eat too often.
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