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Old December 27, 2006   #4
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I think I've come to my final decisions on peppers. I only have room for two of each.

Melrose-frying, I'm looking forward to this one.
Sweet Red Cherry-I usually grow these to go with sweet pickled cucumbers. I like them on sandwiches and hamburgers.
Red Cheese-the past couple of years I've grown Sheepnose but when I put an order together this year, it wasn't an order option, so I'm trying Red Cheese in its place. I'm expecting something very similar to the Sheepnose, only with larger fruit.
Serrano-almost everyone has grown this one. I prefer it to jalapeno. I think jalapeno can be a "flat" kind of heat. There's a subtle fruity flavor to the serrano, it's a bit more complex--more layers, but still not too hot for us.
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