Thread: Hornworm Moth
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Old June 7, 2014   #9
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Abingdon, Va
Posts: 184

Originally Posted by RootLoops View Post
mix a tablespoon of molasses in a gallon of water, spray wherever you don't want caterpillars and they won't touch it. you can add a tsp of dish soap to make it stick better and you have to apply it every four or five days or after a rain but they will not eat anything with molasses on it. last season i was picking 15-25 caterpillars off the first couple days and then after i started the molasses regimen i'd be lucky to find 3 or 4 and those weren't eating just crawling along stems. the molasses also doesn't affect the butterfly population like BT can if they are coinciding with the moth caterpillars......
Sounds like a plan I can get behind, Thanks.
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