Thread: Pest Damage
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Old June 15, 2014   #4
Join Date: May 2014
Location: Sapulpa, Oklahoma
Posts: 63

If they are mice, then regular mice traps with peanut butter might do the trick.
Another option is to set out some poison. For rats and mice I use the bars that are a peanut butter color. I get them at our feed store, and they will kill a variety of animals, so keep your dogs and cats away from the garden. Some mice baits come in a plastic container that will not allow larger animals to eat it, but it would keep squirrels, and such from getting to it too.
Live traps seldom catch all the offenders, so I use poison. Steel traps I don't like bc it catches larger animals by the leg which causes a lot of suffering. Some animals chew their their foot off to get away.
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