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Old June 16, 2014   #13
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Long Island NY
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Originally Posted by aclum View Post
Hi James,

Your garden set-up and tomato plants look really great! Really nice selection of varieties and I love that you've got so many "complete sets" of variety grafts for comparison purposes.

As you know, I've had my share of disease and pest problems in the garden this year. I've lost most of the ones I set out March 15, and most of my newer plantings are only a foot or so high - so you're way ahead of me! Of the surviving plants from the original plant-out, I've noticed a dramatic difference between my grafted Dona (17 large green fruits) and ungrafted Dona (no fruit yet), and grafted Goose Creek (11 large fruits starting to blush) and ungrafted Goose Creek (one smaller sized fruit). It'll be fun seeing how all of yours compare to each other.

Thanks! Glad to hear you are getting something going as well!
I know what you are going through and I feel your pain. It is mentally damaging to go through all of our gyrations with grafting, etc. and then just get taken out of the game.

This time last year I was in the same boat. It was a Battle Royale the minute I planted out. 18 inches of rain in May and June, storm damage, roundup damage, aphid infestation, cucumber beetles, mildew, mold, early blight and probably septoria. Sounds overblown but I think sprayed more than Bill down in Alabama!
Came real close to pulling the plug on the whole year and breaking out the fishing pole. It would have been a lot less stressful. Managed to have a pretty good season in spite of it all.
Right now I am just holding my breath and dreaming of big giant July BLT's.....
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