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Old March 19, 2007   #13
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Location: Kentucky
Posts: 162

I'm in the spit camp too.

Depending on the age of the seeds, it can take more than 2 or 3 days for the cotyledons to work themselves free.

Carolyn sent me some 1994 seeds last year for me to refresh her stock. Of the 18 I planted, over half had the seed coat stuck tight.

Of course, I was already obsessing over these seeds way more than I should to begin with, and these little 'pinheads' were driving me nuts. I used the spit and sat on my hands for about a week..(best I remember...didn't keep notes on that)...they gradually worked themselves free enough that I could help them along to finish.

It seems to me that the older the seeds, the longer it takes for the coats to shed. One dose of spit usually helps fresh seeds along, but don't be surprised if older seeds take a few more days.
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