Thank you Carolyn, that is a big relief!

Fortunately, I did what you suggested, and madly set up a temporary light station in my kitchen (I was actually out shopping for lights when the seedlings hatched

My question now is how long do I give the nonsprouters before I give up on them? The mad sprouters were all in the middle (with the exception of Marriana's Peace which has done nothing), which is where I believe the heat mat is the warmest.
I have them in a burbee greenhouse kit that was already vented (with the top now completely removed,) and that waters the bottom of the soil via a black mat that dips into water on the ends. I hope I am making sense? The black watering mat is on a riser that only dips into the water on the left and right sides to suck up water for the entire mat. Could the sides be to wet and that is why they're not germinating? The far right looks like it's starting, but my seeds on the left have done absolutely nothing.
The seeds that are doing nothing (in order of rows) are Hawaiian Currant, Coyote, Lime Green Salad, and #5 Marrianna's Peace. #11 and #12 (last two rows) are Aunt Ruby's GG and German Giant and each look like they have one out of six seeds about to sprout. In case you're wondering, the mad sprouters were Paul R. and Black Krim, and there was a decent showing by Hawaiian P, Brandywine Yellow, and Kellogg's B.
Sorry this is so long, and thanks in advance! Maybe I'm overreacting, but life has me behind on my seedstarting!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank You!
Heather S
ps- the dog in the pic is a mastiff with a particularly fluffy coat one very snowy winter