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Old April 16, 2007   #5
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Phoenix, AZ (zone 9b)
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I came to the conclusion long ago that cats + seedlings = disaster.

That is to say, when it comes to cats, there are no accidents.. more like CATastrophes. Cats know what they're doing. They're devious, calculating things. I made sure to keep all my seedlings well out of her way.. she still managed to gravitate towards them and knocked a few over despite my efforts.

Now, I LOVE my cat. She's adorable and fun, but nevertheless, a little devil.

Case in point:

A while back, once our backyard was starting to look livable, she started taking a fancy to laying ON the plants.. Our Lavender especially. And of course, her litterbox took second to my raised veggie beds. Took me a while to get her to stop that.

Eventually, I just decided to plant some catnip in a couple of spots that I didn't mind her trashing. Seems to work well.

Her latest trick? She's found a new toy that she ESPECIALLY likes to play with at 4 in the morning:

I could sail by on the winds of silence, and maybe they won't notice... but this time I think it would be better if I swim..
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