I used to have twin cats that found a similiar set of toys for amusement....or rather should I say, their amusement....and being nocturnal, that usually occured sometime in the wee hours of the morning. This would in turn wake the labrador and set her to howling or barking. At which point the terrier next door with pipe in with a higher pitched barking...and with that, the four legged jam session was on! I finally sprinkled cayenne on the instruments of torture....ooops objects of amusement...which curtailed the night time jam sessions. Sounds like your cat, Sir T, must've been related to mine. LOL.
The same two cats loved to dig up my herb and tomato seedlings. I did plant catnip and lavender at the other end of the beds and that did seem to distract them from the replacements....for awhile. But usually by that time, they were fully established and could survive a nibble or squishing or two.
However, I never did figure out how to deter the Lab from digging a nice deep "hole" in the newly worked/planted soil. Even if I left her a "space of her own"...she'd dig one closer to where I was then working...always wanting to be within easy reach and sight of me...which usually meant the two cats were snuggled up on the plants surrounding the Lab, unless distracted by catnip.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh yes, pets....I used to have more problems dealing with their damage than I ever did with insects or viruses. Go figure.