Originally Posted by nancyruhl
Ella, I hope you have had a talk with the neighborhood groundhogs. They sure led us astray. This winter just won't go away. I have had to truck all my seedlings in from their unheated "greentent" repeatedly because of brutal lows over the past few weeks. They are just sitting there not really growing. Every time I get through the unslaught of low 20's at night and want to breath a sigh of relief, I look at the 10 day forecast and there is more just ahead. I want it to just go away.
Nancyruhl, I had being questioning these groundhogs few times already. They have taken the 5th...

Just like you, I watch 10 days forecast and it does not look to good. We need at least couple of weeks in heigh 60th and low 70th day time and 45 to 55 at night to plant out. Soil is too cold.
Originally Posted by ginger2778
Oh, that's why. I had wondered. Darlene is definitely a seed pusher. Love her. 
I am so glad you started this thread, I enjoyed yours last year too.
Yes, she is. I will try to save seeds from them.
Originally Posted by ginger2778
Ella do you use BT on the gnats?
Marsha, I water them with Peroxide mixed with water 1:3. It kills gnats larva. Then let it dry out. Sticky papers/rolls help as well.
Problem with BT is that it does not dilute well in water. And water has to be untreated with chlorine or other chemicals they use, it kills BT.
During early summer we collect rain water in big buckets and I use dunks with BT in them to water plants.
One time I purchased garden soil to add to my tomato beds and had enormous number of gnats in just few days. Had to move my marigolds there right away. Luckily I had plenty growing around. Marigolds roots are poisonous to gnats larva.