Good luck, Carolyn. My mother who is 77 just had it last Friday.The operation took longer (4 hours) because they said she has bigger bones than they expected ( don't they take x-rays??). So it was painful the first couple days. But now she's complaining about how hard they are working her in rehab, so she must be healing well:smile:.
Sure they take X-rays, the follow up for my left new hip and one for the hip to be done were taken last Friday. But they never know until they see what the acetabulum is like, which is hidden under the femur head on X-ray, until they know what the situation is.
Would it make you feel better to know that my surgeon's PA, who came in the first day after the surgery last June, said that one of the parts of the prosthesis was Brontosaurus sized?

Last Friday I gave Rich two books and one is about a family of dinosaurs who live in present day LA and the book is called Casual Rex.
So my surgeon said he'd bring his vet ortho kit with him for this new right one.