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Old July 27, 2016   #139
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Yeah, I noticed the flavor was off on Pruden's Purple. I ate a leftover slice that didn't make it onto a burger and I noticed it was tart, not sweet. I hope it improves.
Originally Posted by efisakov View Post
I just picked the second. Letting it ripe a bit more. Hope it would be as good as the first one.

Most my tomatoes, including black varieties, are not as sweet, more tart then sweet. That weather from cold to hot is not helping at all. Many cat-faces. I like to eat tomatoes without anything added, not even salt. I want to taste the real tomato. With salt they are good, without it not good enough.

We had 5 days in a row with temperature above 90, then two days below 90, then 6 days in a row above 90. Hopefully it end there.
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