Ella, I'm growing La Vie en Rose from Secret Seed Cartel as well. Several years ago, maybe '9 or'10, Terry had sent another T'Ville member, BigdaddyJ seeds for
Claude Brown's Yellow Giant which produced a large coral tomato. They decided
to call it Claude's Coral Giant--Bigdaddy gave me seeds-I thought it was great tasting but too often, I got a large yellow (not our favorite). Terry eventually named the stabilized coral La Vie en Rose and the yellow segregate Moonshiner's
Ball -I've read that MB may listed on her site this fall. Mine are good but not quite as good as before-none of mine are this year. I also have a lot of catfaced fruit even though I culled as many as I could. Just not the best year for looks or taste! I should have mentioned that at the time of the cross, Terry thought the parents might have been Claude Brown's Giant Yellow and Fritz Ackerman.