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Old July 28, 2016   #146
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Originally Posted by kath View Post
Your garden is really in high gear, Ella- such a pretty sight! Many of my beefsteaks are only beginning to blush- we've tasted few so far but Indian Zebra and Blackberry are still on top. Margaret Curtain was better than the 1st time I grew it and Tasmanian Chocolate was good, but the dwarf plants are HUGE disease magnets in my garden and won't be back.

From your description, our temps have been about the same as yours. Quite a bit of cat facing here also, but I have that every year. BER is taking its toll on many of the paste types I'm trialing, but there are a few that haven't been affected yet; luckily, they are also healthy plants with large fruits that continued to set fairly well in the heat, so we'll see how that goes.

Enjoy your tomatoes! Looks like many people will be!
Kath, I really liked Blackberry last year as well. Even planned to grow two of them this year. One was killed by squirrels and the second by ants. Next year I will plant more than that.
Had some BER issue as well and on few beefsteaks. Which is not a common thing in my garden.
Found spider mites couple of days ago. Have to spray, but did postponed twice because of the rain. I do not want to work so hard and it all washes off. Plus the temps.

God comes along and says, "I think I'm going to create THE tomato!”
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