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Old August 2, 2016   #174
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Barb, Worth, and Marsha, thank you.

Claude Brown’s Y. Giantstarted is a bit underripe but I will post picture of it sliced in a couple of days. Me, my DH and our son can have BLT/sandwich using just one tomato of CBYG. It has mostly big and nicely formed fruits. The only negative part of growing it is that it is a late variety: seeds started on March 6, planted April 21, first fruit ripened August 2. It will keep on producing until frost.

Daniel's has big maters on it as well. I wonder what size would the cross of the two be?

God comes along and says, "I think I'm going to create THE tomato!”

Last edited by efisakov; August 3, 2016 at 04:52 PM.
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