Thank you, Ginny.
During the school year I get so busy some times that I do not read anything on TV or just check threads that I am part of as well. It is when I have time off the work, I do look for new things to read about. I only read some of the Florida thread. So, we are alike.
The two pinks I favor this year is Grightmire's Pride (thank you, Marsha) and Elgin Pink(thank you, bcbf). They have good taste and production. And that was true for them last year as well. They are midseason faves. For the late season pinks last year I liked both Cowlick and Brandywine Sudduth. Have to see this year. I planted them next to each other. They are both big plants. They have to fight for the space. That is a real test. So far Sudduth is winning. Year is not over yet.
God comes along and says, "I think I'm going to create THE tomato!”