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Old August 5, 2016   #187
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Originally Posted by Fiishergurl View Post
Thats exactly what I was wondering... how often and how much. We have a huge freezer as we are respectable fishermen also.. lol. We keep bait for our crab traps (fish carcasses or bait fish we caught) and also the fish fo eating, cleaned crab and shrimp in it. I have used fish in the ground but only put it in once a year (thought I had to bury it two feet down) but you have inspired me to use more and try to grow more plants in the ground.

Do you add any other fertilizer at all? Do you always put it 1 ft down?

Did i read correctly that you use it in your pots?

Thanks for all the detailed information. Fish carcasses, crab shells and shrimp heads are something we do not have a shortage of and we do try to use them, (for example using the fish carcases in our crab traps).

I do not add any other fertilizer, just mix peat moss to help soil keep its moister and Epsom salt at the begging of the season. Peat moss I add only if soil is too hard.
I do put fish about 1 ft down but I make a little hill above it. It helps me to remember where the fish is, so I do not over fertilize one bed and have nothing in the other.
After big fishing trip we sometimes have half a bucket of fish parts to compost. It is better to make a trench instead of one big hole. That would be good for a bed that has 8 tomato plants 4+4 with trench in a middle.
I experimented with big containers (20 gal.) with adding fish parts. It works great. Did try with a small container one time. I have Amaryllis in a 2 gal container and it needed a boost. Was refusing to flower for the second year. I put a bit of guts in the container. Lets, say it was not deep enough and flies were all over it. But, it bloomed. Thank god weather was warm outside, otherwise it would be goner.
I read somewhere that Native Americans always put a head of fish under each tomato plant. They knew what they were doing. And no, I had never had any flies until I did not bury it deep enough. 1 foot seems to be enough.

God comes along and says, "I think I'm going to create THE tomato!”
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