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Old May 26, 2007   #2
Tomatovillian™ Honoree
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 507

They look a little bit small to me, though I don't know what others might say. I see they are in clay pots though. Now those you can do something with to auto-water:

Get two more clay pots. Put your pots that are holding the tomatoes in a couple inches of water for a couple of hours until the pot itself soaks up water. Now put the pot on another clay pot (upside down) that you have put into a big pot of water. As the pot your tomato is in starts to dry out it will draw water from the pot it is standing on, which will suck up water from the puddle in the bucket. Good for several days at least.

I used to use this method when I had to go away for a week or more and had a house full of plants to deal with. Stuck the plants on pots in the tub, then sealed off the tub with plastic to make a temporary "greenhouse." Works like a charm.
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