Thread: Beist
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Old December 16, 2016   #1
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Default Beist

These are pictures of my F2 grow outs from Bower’s Beist-B1 selection. Beist is the working name of this cross which I believe was made with Black Early and Indian Stripe. Due to the infection I will not be passing any of these seeds on. I will be dividing the seeds into several groups and using different disinfection techniques on each group. Some seeds will not receive any treatment at all because I would like to study this infection.
The black spots on the leaves have no halo around them and the legions on the stems are easy to control with a sulfur spray. My hope, and know it is a long shot, is that it is a mutant ice-minus strain of Pseudomonas Syringae. When I think nature may be trying to show me something, I pay attention and try to understand the meaning of it.
The Beist plants were grown between Deep Space and Chernomor plants, which also developed the infection. The row started with three Deep Space plants, then two Beist plants, then three Chernomor plants. Brad’s Black Hearts were next to the Chernomor plants and the last to be infected in that row. No other plants in my garden appeared to be infected.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg Beist-B1_b.jpg (142.3 KB, 193 views)
File Type: jpg Beist-B1_c.jpg (153.3 KB, 194 views)
"Discretion is the better part of valor" Charles Churchill

The intuitive mind is a gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. But we have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. (paraphrased) Albert Einstein

I come from a long line of sod busters, spanning back several centuries.
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