To my mothers astonishment well not really knowing how I was and still am.
The pulp seeds and skin left over from the cheese cloth she saw I was eating it by the hand full.

Save it for the chickens she exclaimed.
I cannot express how good chicken eggs are when they are fed this sort of thing.
Canning byproducts table scraps and clabberd home grown cows milk.
We had two big old tractor tires split in half I would feed these critters every day including oyster shell and laying mash.
A 5 gallon bucket of this stuff is mighty heavy for a 10 year old boy.
Then it was off to feed the pigs and gather the eggs.
After sun down I closed the door to the hen house to keep the critters out.
Made butter on Saturday for my moms side selling eggs and butter after church was out.
The she would give me some of her egg money to buy HER something for mothers day.
I was a child slave I tell you.
Just about ready to build my chicken coup and get some hens.
Well any who if you have chickens it is far better to feed them the tomato byproducts than to leave them in the sauce.