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Old December 30, 2016   #223
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I have picked green tomatoes before the last frost (more than a month ago). Some ripen nicely and some rotten. I noticed that pink and orange has better shelf life than black. Maybe it is not absolutely correct, just my observation.
Cherry tomatoes were picked green on the vine, mostly. All tomatoes were kept at about 62-65 degrees.
They are almost gone (and No, they do not look as good as tomatoes picked in Florida by my friends, but they are here on my table and my sandwich still taste like summer to me, hehe). I bought few times tomatoes from the store for salad, they do not compare with the ripening once that we have on occasion.
I am considering to grow few plants on purpose late so they would be mostly green during the fall months. Considering determinate variety, will see.

P.S. Tomatoes picked green during the summer months did ripen within a week for me. The temperature play big role, I guess.

God comes along and says, "I think I'm going to create THE tomato!”
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