Hi Dutch! Happy new year!
I just happened to look in this subforum and saw your thread. Are you sure these are from Beist?

Beist is as you said a cross of Black Early with Indian Stripe, and they are beef shaped for sure!
As regards the parentage of a possible cross, ZS was in the greenhouse but a cross with ZS should look distinctly orange at some stage (even half Beta will ripen through orange to red), and it cannot be black because it would need a black allele from the other parent (ZS has not). So if this is really the Beist seed, it looks to me that the shape must be from a cross with Deep Space... but if so, it would be pink-black as neither parent is a 'red-black' as looks to be in the picture.
Again, I question whether this seed could have come from the Beist line, as it would have to cross with a red-black pear or pointy shaped fruit.... Don't think there was anything present that would possibly produce that combination.

Are those pictures of two different plants? The fruit are large and identical on both, so to my mind this is some other stable variety... Black Pepper?? looks like it perhaps? Black Pear? Or one called "Bedouin"? I haven't grown them, so just guessing on pics I've seen... but perhaps you had those in your seed stash and swapped them out by mistake? I know there's some shuffling of seed packets in my house around planting time.
Also very sorry to hear that these plants were diseased, and certainly hope it didn't come from my seeds!

This is not a disease I have seen in my greenhouse, afaik.
The Beist I grew out this year wasn't crossed - it was a black beef, a little tastier than the B1-15 but wasn't as cold tolerant and had some K deficiency symptoms in response to compacted soil and/or crowded conditions. Typical mold issues at the end of season but nothing resembling the bacterial spot, for sure.

Dutch I hope you have better luck in 2017.