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Old February 11, 2017   #39
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Omaha Zone 5
Posts: 2,514

MM, I couldn't see the pics in your first post, but I did see the photos further down in the thread.

First, I feel for you and your family.
Second, the potting mix is not sterile from what I can tell in the photo. It looks like a mix I bought at Wal Mart last year. I had lots of problems with the plants that grew in it. If you are going to start more seeds get something better, the stores should have seed starter out now. If you live in the midwest, Menards sells it for 2 dollars. An alternate would have been DE aka unscented kitty litter! I bet you gave some of that!! Peppers do very well in it.
Search for ultrasorb and you will find several tips.

Enjoyed your posts.
- Lisa
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