Originally Posted by greenthumbomaha
MM, I couldn't see the pics in your first post, but I did see the photos further down in the thread.
First, I feel for you and your family.
Second, the potting mix is not sterile from what I can tell in the photo. It looks like a mix I bought at Wal Mart last year. I had lots of problems with the plants that grew in it. If you are going to start more seeds get something better, the stores should have seed starter out now. If you live in the midwest, Menards sells it for 2 dollars. An alternate would have been DE aka unscented kitty litter! I bet you gave some of that!! Peppers do very well in it.
Search for ultrasorb and you will find several tips.
Enjoyed your posts.
- Lisa
Yeah. I was making do with what was available. The local hardware store's was frozen into a lump on their pallets and we had car trouble so I couldn't go to a big place like Walmart or Menard's. Its what shopko had. At least its not as bad as the dollar store's? My first year starting seeds I used that (its pure muck) and then potted up with that crappy MG water retention stuff. It was a diasaster as you can imagine.
Cinnamon seems to be doing the trick. I may get neem oil too just in case. And I watched a video that said to thaw, freeze, then thaw your bags to kill the bugs. So far everything is doing pretty well. I have new stuff I'm using for these next trays and its much nicer.
What kind of cat litter? Scoopable? Non scoopable? The ultra light stuff? We only use unscented because of my allergies (and its better for kitties own respiratory health) so I do have lots in the house lol. If I can use what we have on hand I'll start some extra peppers this weekend to see what happens and compare to the others. Plus if I need some more I can just tell my husband to pick up an extra box of Cats Pride (or whatever) and not have him texting me photos of the gardening aisle in panic.
He is not gardening inclined at ALL. Purple and yellow beans blew his mind last year.

Can't wait to see what he thinks of the purple broccoli and kalettes we're trying this year