Thread: Peppercorns?
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Old February 22, 2017   #4
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Homestead,Everglades City Fl.
Posts: 2,504

The plant I got took two years to produce a long blackberryish appendage.After staring at it swelling up one morning they all opened up and looked like cherry tomato clusters.These were green,bout size of small pea.Green before pulling great surprise in a salad.Dry them out in the color you pick them will usually cure that color.Fresh black cured pepper ground is really fragrant,eye tearing at times and do not get stuck in choppers.Plant roots easy,clones easier,travels on ground,nodule beards will root in ground.And the vine will crawl up a painted wall,beards will adhere to paint.Of the first plant we have twenty or thirty plants.various stages to give as presents.No flowers,but some real large veined shiny pretty leaves.Neighbor(Vietnamese man )bet me that it was a Betal Nut tree,hundred bucks later showed him The Betal Nut I have.They are almost identical in leaf appearance .Vines are grown in 30 40 foot telephone looking contraptions,almost like hops.Impressive large plantations pepper ,coffee are a big commoditys grown buy the ton.Almost every home in American has a pepper shaker,as does every restaurant.For your climate a substitute sunlight photo period device would be need to compensate for your winter.If you trimmed and try to overwinter,I am almost sure you would be staring at the new leaves forever.

Last edited by kurt; February 22, 2017 at 09:23 PM.
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